I would like to ask everyone what they view is the greatest threat to humanity, the greatest evil. The one thing that is destroying society. The one thing that is tearing people apart. I'm sure most of you watch or read the news, or at least glance at it occasionally. I was reading Time Magazine and I was appalled, sickened, and disgusted with what I read. At any given point there appears to be a war going on somewhere. Whether it's in Iraq, Syria, or Mali. The suicide of Adam Schwartz for illegalyl downloading some documents (seriously why is this still a crime?). The rape of that young women in India who later died in the hospital. The fight between Israel and Palestine. It. Is. All. Fucking. Bullshit.
I can't help but ask myself what the hell is going on? It's so easy to point to cultural or religious differences for some of the current tragedies happening but that would be false. This is a worldwide epidemic. There is no magic cure to this disease. The truth is that the despicable acts that humans commit are what sells newspapers and scores ratings. That is something that really needs to change for humanity to move toward peace. To not glorify homicidal shooters, war, or anything that falls into those lines. I mean really, can any of you look at yourself in the mirror and confidently say, "I am completely happy to be living in this world. I don't think there is a single thing I would change". If you think you can then you're obviously delusional and I advise you to seek psychiatric help. I mean, come on, unless you're happily married with kids get the fuck out of here. (Metaphorically speaking, I know some of you have wonderful spouses and children. =) )
Now, some of you may be thinking what does a 20 year old college student know about the world, or what's wrong with it. For starters it doesn't take an expert to see humanity is sick. We are all suffering from a disease. In fact I'm sure all of you reading this know exactly what I'm talking about and where I'm coming from. If you have any objections or arguments I would love to hear them.
On a strictly personal level I have never experienced a travesty. No one close to me has died, thankfully. I am not stricken with a debilitating illness. I am perfectly healthy, living in the greatest city in the world, attending college, and living in a comfortable apartment with plenty of food. I have no complaints, but I like to be an observer. I will occasionally hear the eruption of gunshots through my window. I walk past homeless people with outstretched hands daily. I listen to stories of people dealing with such hardships it makes my life seem like a Saturday morning cartoon. New York is a place where people will generally ignore anyone and everyone. I mean I saw a woman shitting on the street in the Upper East Side last week, which came as quite a shock.
We all have our own agendas and places to be, and yet sometimes we catch a glimpse of something greater, of someone helping another human being. An injection of empathy is what humanity so desperately needs. The ability to look at your enemy that is throwing rocks, and try to understand why. Not merely to get angry and retaliate (I'm looking at you Israel), but to try and be rational.
What the hell is wrong with people these days? I feel like everyone is going fucking crazy. I am only 20 years old and yet I am witnessing all this absolutely idiotic crap go down. Humanity needs a wake up call. We need to wake the hell up and stop killing each other. As far as I'm concerned, if everyone in the world could just empathize with each other then there would be far, far less turmoil. God, it truly pisses me off that some people can't get a long, no not even that, they don't even ATTEMPT to get a long. I mean children aren't born with an inherent sense of hatred because of race, gender, or any other factors. That's all something they are taught as they grow. It's no surprise that the one constant throughout all of history was warfare, and that's just pathetic. Will we ever evolve past that? My mother always taught me to be nice to people and respect them, as well as their opinions. I think the rest of the world should take my mother's advice and suck it down like the last sip of water in the desert...maybe then people will learn what it means to be a human being. Until the rest of the world gets a clue, I ask all of you to open your hearts, minds, and feelings to another and learn a thing or two.
I can't help but ask myself what the hell is going on? It's so easy to point to cultural or religious differences for some of the current tragedies happening but that would be false. This is a worldwide epidemic. There is no magic cure to this disease. The truth is that the despicable acts that humans commit are what sells newspapers and scores ratings. That is something that really needs to change for humanity to move toward peace. To not glorify homicidal shooters, war, or anything that falls into those lines. I mean really, can any of you look at yourself in the mirror and confidently say, "I am completely happy to be living in this world. I don't think there is a single thing I would change". If you think you can then you're obviously delusional and I advise you to seek psychiatric help. I mean, come on, unless you're happily married with kids get the fuck out of here. (Metaphorically speaking, I know some of you have wonderful spouses and children. =) )
Now, some of you may be thinking what does a 20 year old college student know about the world, or what's wrong with it. For starters it doesn't take an expert to see humanity is sick. We are all suffering from a disease. In fact I'm sure all of you reading this know exactly what I'm talking about and where I'm coming from. If you have any objections or arguments I would love to hear them.
On a strictly personal level I have never experienced a travesty. No one close to me has died, thankfully. I am not stricken with a debilitating illness. I am perfectly healthy, living in the greatest city in the world, attending college, and living in a comfortable apartment with plenty of food. I have no complaints, but I like to be an observer. I will occasionally hear the eruption of gunshots through my window. I walk past homeless people with outstretched hands daily. I listen to stories of people dealing with such hardships it makes my life seem like a Saturday morning cartoon. New York is a place where people will generally ignore anyone and everyone. I mean I saw a woman shitting on the street in the Upper East Side last week, which came as quite a shock.
We all have our own agendas and places to be, and yet sometimes we catch a glimpse of something greater, of someone helping another human being. An injection of empathy is what humanity so desperately needs. The ability to look at your enemy that is throwing rocks, and try to understand why. Not merely to get angry and retaliate (I'm looking at you Israel), but to try and be rational.
What the hell is wrong with people these days? I feel like everyone is going fucking crazy. I am only 20 years old and yet I am witnessing all this absolutely idiotic crap go down. Humanity needs a wake up call. We need to wake the hell up and stop killing each other. As far as I'm concerned, if everyone in the world could just empathize with each other then there would be far, far less turmoil. God, it truly pisses me off that some people can't get a long, no not even that, they don't even ATTEMPT to get a long. I mean children aren't born with an inherent sense of hatred because of race, gender, or any other factors. That's all something they are taught as they grow. It's no surprise that the one constant throughout all of history was warfare, and that's just pathetic. Will we ever evolve past that? My mother always taught me to be nice to people and respect them, as well as their opinions. I think the rest of the world should take my mother's advice and suck it down like the last sip of water in the desert...maybe then people will learn what it means to be a human being. Until the rest of the world gets a clue, I ask all of you to open your hearts, minds, and feelings to another and learn a thing or two.