Sunday, March 25, 2012

Posted by Unknown |
                  to the ground like a shooting star. 
All burnt out. 
A song bird that lost its voice.
Am I still the same? 

This bullet entered my head late last night and it just won't leave. 
Slowly traveling to my heart, tearing it to shreds. 
It started as the sweetest kiss and now it has come down to this.
She's smiling in the car with the gun. 

It's not all hopes and dreams anymore. 
It became a reality, but is a dream that comes true worth it when it all gradually fades away? 
Late nights just don't help because when I drink I get so damn depressed. 
Always on the run to keep emotions at bay, but when the tide rolls in it all gets swept away. 
The tears flow freely, slowly eroding away at my body. 

I've never experienced an encounter with an angel. 
Who knew departing could be this painful? 
Can't ask her to stay but the weathers getting colder and the sun is on her mind. 
Can't ask her to stay but I'll think about her all the time. 
To not remember will hide away the pain, but to not remember will hide away my feelings. 
In a different reality maybe I wouldn't have to say goodbye to the thing I cherish the most. 
In a different reality maybe it all worked out perfectly.


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