People try to hide their pain, their insecurities. They think that their mistakes make them weak. They're wrong. Pain is something you should embrace. Something you should grab on to.
There is this idea that to show tears or any signs of being less than perfect means you're a weakling, a coward not fit to live. That is absurd. There's heart ache and pain inside each and every one of us. The stubborn ones just refuse to admit they're as broken as the rest of us. We all have our crosses we are bearing, some larger than others. Regardless everyone has a struggle. Mine was/is alcoholism. I've caused myself incredible misery because of my actions under the influence. I've also hurt others because of it as well. Am I proud of it? No. Not at all. But that doesn't mean I shy away from remembering that time of my life. It doesn't mean I refuse to open up to people about that time in my life. It drastically altered who I am, for the better.
There's always a silver lining to every mistake. If it wasn't for my repeated screw ups I probably wouldn't believe in God. I probably wouldn't have left Ohio for New York, and then I would have missed out on so much more. There's a chain of events that spring into motion from every mistake. It's just hard to see through the tears, the depression, but when it all subsides the sun shines once more.
Mistakes, misery, and pain are all learning experiences that enable us to grow more than we thought possible. That is why everyone should stand up for their right to feel pain, wear it like a radio blasting for all to hear and see. It's the disfigurements that make us beautiful and that is why I ask everyone to wear your scars with pride. Wear your scars like a badge of honor.
There is this idea that to show tears or any signs of being less than perfect means you're a weakling, a coward not fit to live. That is absurd. There's heart ache and pain inside each and every one of us. The stubborn ones just refuse to admit they're as broken as the rest of us. We all have our crosses we are bearing, some larger than others. Regardless everyone has a struggle. Mine was/is alcoholism. I've caused myself incredible misery because of my actions under the influence. I've also hurt others because of it as well. Am I proud of it? No. Not at all. But that doesn't mean I shy away from remembering that time of my life. It doesn't mean I refuse to open up to people about that time in my life. It drastically altered who I am, for the better.
There's always a silver lining to every mistake. If it wasn't for my repeated screw ups I probably wouldn't believe in God. I probably wouldn't have left Ohio for New York, and then I would have missed out on so much more. There's a chain of events that spring into motion from every mistake. It's just hard to see through the tears, the depression, but when it all subsides the sun shines once more.
Mistakes, misery, and pain are all learning experiences that enable us to grow more than we thought possible. That is why everyone should stand up for their right to feel pain, wear it like a radio blasting for all to hear and see. It's the disfigurements that make us beautiful and that is why I ask everyone to wear your scars with pride. Wear your scars like a badge of honor.
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