Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Posted by Unknown |
     I cried four separate times tonight. Not because of any physical pain, or because I have two speeches to give in less than 8 hours. No I cried because the person I love the most is leaving in less than 6 weeks.

     When I left Ohio I had many goodbyes to say to friends and family but I wasn't sad. I knew I'd be seeing them eventually. This is a different story. I've went through some tough experiences with the law and high school but it doesn't compare to this feeling. At all. Not even close. Every day that goes by between us is another day filled with memories. It's also one more day to the final countdown. I never expected this. I never expected to find an angel in a city overflowing with sinners. I never expected to fall in love at such a young age. How do you say goodbye when you never want things to end? I feel like I found what every one searches for only to have it torn away for no reason. I can't find the sense in it. It's the hardships one has to deal with in life that let's them know how great it is to really live life, but this trial seems unnecessary. I can only pray that there's some higher reason for it. I can only pray that I become a stronger person for it. Even though the end is near I would still ask her out again on the rooftop if I went back in time. I can only hope in the future another miracle or angel will find me, either way a glimpse of heaven is still heaven even if you get tossed into hell for awhile afterwards.


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